Governance - I.1.A Policy Development, Revision and Approval
Governance - I.1.B Policy Template
Governance - I.2 Provincial Council Committee Structure
Governance - I.4 Strategic Planning
Governance - I.5 Orientation of New Provincial Council Members and Committee Chairs
Governance - I.6 - Code of Conduct
Governance - I.7 - Conflict of Interest for PC members
Governance - I.8 Provincial Council Voting
Governance - I.9 Motions and Discussions by Electronic Mail
Governance - I.10 Conducting Meetings
Governance - I.11 - Record Keeping for Provincial Council Business
Governance - I.12 - Election of Directors
Governance - I.13 Selection and Terms of Office for Committee Chairs
Governance - I.14 Terms of Office for PC and Committee Chair Appointees of Positions Vacated Early
Governance - I.15 - PC and Committee Report
Governance - I.16 -Speech and Hearing BC Areas
Governance - I.16.1 Speech and Hearing BC Area Representation
Governance - I.17 - Project Task Consultation Process
Governance - I.18 - PC Linkage with other Organizations
Governance - I.19 - Position Papers
Governance - I.20 - Non-Partisanship
Governance - I.21 - Correspondence Regarding Official Comment or Position
Governance - I.22 - Endorsement of Products, Services or Programs
Governance - I.23 - Representing Speech and Hearing BC
Governance - I.24 - Requests for Speech and Hearing BC Representation
Governance - I.25 Terms of Reference for Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees
Governance - I.26 Editor of Vibrations and Regular Contributors to Vibration
Governance - I.30 - Seeking Legal Advice
Governance - I.31 - Conference
Governance - I.32.A - Staff Performance Evaluation
Governance - I.32.B - Performance Eval Form
Governance - I.33 - ED Hiring Process