Continuing Education
Speech and Hearing BC is committed to providing members with information about professional development and continuing education events.
Please Note: Listed opportunities are not endorsed by Speech and Hearing BC.

Area Funds
Annual area funds are available for continuing education events and special projects for Speech and Hearing BC members in each region of BC.
Including conferences, workshops, videos, journals and books, opportunities should benefit as many members in each provincial area as possible.
Each provincial region can access the available funds every fiscal year (June 1 to May 31) by applying through their Area Representative. Projects must be endorsed by four SLPs or two Audiologists from your region.
For further information, view Speech and Hearing BC’s area funds policy statement. For assistance in planning your area funded event, visit our Area Funded Event help section.
Questions? Contact your Speech and Hearing BC area representative.
Health Science Association Funds
If you are a member of the Health Sciences Association (HSA), you may apply for funds for continuing education.