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Posts by Janet

Official Statement from Speech and Hearing BC (SHBC) FDA Releases Final Rule for OTC Hearing Aids

On August 16, 2022, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its final rule for over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. This historic rule established a new regulatory category for OTC hearing aids by allowing direct purchases from stores and online retailers without needing an audiologist’s medical exam or audiological evaluation, prescription, or verification. While…

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Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering comes to Montreal

The Joint World Congress on Stuttering and Cluttering (JWCSC) is taking place in Montreal (Canada) from May 27 to 30, 2022. The Congress provides a great opportunity for Canadian speech-language pathologists to share and acquire additional knowledge and insights about stuttering and cluttering, and to network with professionals and students from around the world. To…

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UNDRIP Declaration Action Plan

The Provincial Government has released the Declaration Act Action Plan today which outlines how BC will bring the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) into harmony with its work over the next five years. Click to read the Plan: The Declaration Act became law in B.C. on November 28, 2019 as…

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2021 Speech and Hearing BC Conference Registration – In-person Whistler

Important Notice: Our Provincial Health Officer has issued new health orders (August 23) which affect indoor gatherings in BC. In compliance with the orders relevant to our event, we require all participants (attendees, exhibitors, presenters etc.) at the conference to be doubly vaccinated at least 7 days prior to October 22, 2021. The Hilton Whistler…

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Speech and Hearing Month

It’s Speech and Hearing Month! Check out our new resources for May 2021:

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