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Speech and Language

Check out our Find a Professional tool to find SLPs in public and private practice.

As hourly rates for services vary, please check the bill rates and process with your SLP prior to booking an appointment.

It is important to find out exactly what services you will be asked to pay for. An SLP may have a lower hourly rate but charge for more services; others may have a higher billing rate but only charge for the time they spend with the client. Take the time to ask for specific costs so there are no surprises once services are started.

Please note that in order to practice in BC, all registrants have to meet the standards of the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC (CHCPBC). There are documentation standards that are required of the SLP.

Services in the public sector have similar costs, but families are not billed for these.

In order to make a similar salary to SLPs in public service, SLPs in the private sector need to charge to cover their business costs and to make a salary. Private practitioners have to buy their own assessments, materials, and clinic space and have no paid sick leave, educational leave, vacation pay, or employer-paid pension and have no income when clients cancel or no-show.


Please check our funding page for more information.

We will not recommend a specific SLP; however, our online Find a Professional tool can help you find private clinics in your area.


If your child is over 6 years old, you can hire any SLP in the private listings and apply for payment of services through the AFB. If your child is under 6 years of age, the SLP has to be on the Registry of Autism Service Providers in order for payment to be made through the AFB.

Before you authorize the AFB to pay invoices for SLP services, please clarify billing rates and billable services with your SLP. The AFB will only pay up to the maximum amount per month that you have authorized. You may be asked to pay for unbillable services.



Most speech-language pathology services in BC are provincially funded and delivered through the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), and through school districts (Ministry of Education). Government-funded services have limited budgets, and children or adults with speech, language or swallowing problems usually need to wait for services. Children may not get to the top of the list before they age-out of services. SLPs who work in hospitals, health centres, child development centres and schools would like to be able to provide services in a timely way to everyone needing services, but this is not the reality. Although SLPs make effective and efficient use of their time and expertise, waitlists do exist and wait times will depend on the demand for services. If you are concerned about lack of availability of services, you may wish to contact your MLA. Consumers have a stronger voice than professional associations in advocating for change.

In order to practice in BC, an SLP has to be a registrant with the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC (CHCPBC). Check the registry to insure that the individual is listed.

For your protection, we recommend that you contact the College if an unqualified person is posing as an SLP.


Speech and Hearing BC is a member-driven association; we do not respond directly to concerns or complaints from consumers. Most concerns about services received from your speech-language pathologist, audiologist, or supportive personnel can be resolved through dialogue with the service provider. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction or you do not feel able to discuss the matter with the service provider, then contact the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC. The CHCPB is the official regulatory group for three related groups of professionals: audiologists, hearing instrument practitioners, and speech-language pathologists. A major purpose of the College is to protect the public and listen to your concerns.

Please contact them at:
College of Health and Care Professionals of BC
900 – 200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4​​​
tel 604.742.6715
toll free: 1.877.742.6715
fax: 1.604.608.9863



SLPs will list their university degree, typically as MSc (Master of Science) or MA (Master of Arts), depending on the University program. If the professional has a doctorate, you will see Ph.D. In most cases, professionals only list their highest degree.

RSLP (Registered Speech-Language Pathologist) means that the person is registered with the College of Health and Care Professionals of BC and is licensed to practice in BC. The speech-language pathologist may have completed additional professional training to become certified in certain specialty areas. They will note this at the end of their title, for example “Certified in Voice Restoration (Voice Prostheses)”.

SLP(C) or Certified in Speech-Language Pathology by SAC means that the professional is a certified member of our national association, Speech-Language and Audiology Canada.

CCC-SLP means that the professional is a certified member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the national credentialing association in the United States, and has met the requirements for certification in Speech-Language Pathology.

Please contact them at:
College of Health and Care Professionals of BC
900 – 200 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1S4​​​
tel 604.742.6715
toll free: 1.877.742.6715
fax: 1.604.608.9863