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Welcome to Speech and Hearing BC's Telepractice Page

We use the term telepractice rather than the frequently used terms telemedicine or telehealth to avoid the misperception that these services are used only in health care settings.

The following definitions are consistent with those published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Telepractice is the delivery of services using telecommunication and Internet technology to remotely connect clinicians to clients, other health care providers, and/or educational professionals for screening, assessment, intervention, consultation, and/or education. Telepractice is an appropriate model of service delivery for audiologists and speech-language pathologists and may be the primary mode of service delivery or may supplement in-person services (known as hybrid service delivery).

Common terms describing types of telepractice are as follows:

  • Synchronous—Services are conducted with real-time audio and/or video connection to create an experience similar to that achieved in an in-person traditional encounter. Synchronous services may include, for example, connecting a client or a group of clients with a clinician, or they may include consultation between a clinician and a specialist. Telehealth visits, virtual check-ins, e-visits, or virtual consultations are examples of synchronous services.
  • Asynchronous—Information, images, video, or data are saved and transmitted for viewing or interpretation at a later time. Examples include transmission of voice clips, audiologic testing results, patient education materials, or outcomes of independent client practice. Store-and-forward or chat-based interactions are examples of asynchronous services.
  • Hybrid—A combination of synchronous, asynchronous, remote patient monitoring (e.g., wearable sensors, mobile apps), and/or in-person services are implemented to meet the needs of the individual client. An example includes using an online or a mobile app to share asynchronous information between the client and the clinician between synchronous in-person or virtual sessions.

Telepractice Resources

SHBC Webinar:

Yu, Becca (2020) Telepractice: Treatment and Assessment Resources. Login and click here.


SHBC Document on Telepractice:

Krueger, Anna (2019) I Want to Try Telepracice. How Do I Protect My Client's Privacy? Please click here. SHBC funded a legal review of this document to ensure it aligned with BC's privacy protection laws.


Other Online Resources:

Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) Toolkit for Health Professionals:

SAC's COVID-19 Resources:

ASHA's Telepractice Resources:

The Informed SLP Evidence Based Telepractice Research Reviews for SLPs: 

General Telepractice Information from Pearson Assessment