Advocacy Resources including Talk Spot
A Talk Spot is anywhere you can communicate face-to-face with someone.
This could be in the car, at the dinner table, in the community centre, at the mall, in the park: anywhere you can talk without the distraction of a screen. As SLPs and audiologists, we know the risks associated with excessive screen time for kids, yet 85 percent of Canadian children under 5 spend more time on devices than suggested guidelines. For young children, this can lead to significant language delays and even lifelong learning difficulties.
Resources for Talk Spot:
Conversation Starters for All Ages
Talk Spot Posters
Use these posters to quickly and easily share Talk Spot’s key message during the month of May.
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Tips for Healthcare Professionals Communicating with Older Adults (Flyer)
Provides tips from audiologists and speech-language pathologists to support communication with adults in professional care.
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Communicating with Older Adults (Trifold)
This brochure shares how anyone can support and respect older adults with communication difficulties.
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Communicating with Babies (Flyer)
Provides tips from audiologists and speech-language pathologists to support language development in children two years old and under.
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Communicating with Children (Trifold)