Professional Resources
For resources for members of the public, visit our Public Site.
Advocacy Toolkit
Evidence Based Practice
Speech and Hearing BC provides the following resources to support all members in the management of their professional practice.
Caseload guidelines for SLPs working in schools
Form for Calculating School Age Caseload Limits
Legal Concerns:
Professional Boundaries in a Therapeutic Relationship. Where’s the Line?
published by CSHHPBC
Disability Tax Credit
Information on Revenue Canada Guidelines to guide you if clients ask you to complete the forms.
Professional Liability Insurance
Protect yourself: Carry your own Individual Professional Liability Insurance
Speech and Hearing BC members are able to access coverage through the national association, SAC.
Other Issues:
Infection Prevention Control Guidelines For Speech Language Pathologists
Infection Prevention Control Guidelines For Audiologists
Communication Health Assistant Guidelines – Working With Speech-Language Pathologists
Communication Health Assistant Guidelines – Working With Audiologists
Other Links to Assist You
Optimizing Feeding and Swallowing in Children with Physical and Developmental Disabilities Handbook
Communication Intermediary Database: For victims, witnesses and accused persons who have a disability that affects their communication and may require support communicating with police, legal and justice professionals.
Communication Disabilities Access Canada: offers courses and info on national legislation.