Aman Dhaliwal
8556 120 St #208, Surrey, BC V3W 3N5, Canada
Phone Number
Email Address
Serving the communities since 2011. Services can be provided in both English and Punjabi. Surrey White Rock Cloverdale Langley Richmond Delta
Field of Practice
Speech-language Pathologist
Disorders Treated
(Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) – ChildAAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) – AdultAAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) – ChildAccent Modification/Accent ReductionAphasiaApraxia/DyspraxiaArticulation of Speech/Speech Sound DisorderAutism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)Childhood ApraxiaCleft Lip or PalateCognitive Skills/Executive FunctioningDementiaDevelopmental DelayDysarthriaLanguage Delay/DisorderLanguage-Based Learning DifficultiesMotor Speech DisorderNonverbal Language DisorderPragmatic Language/Social Communication Disorder or DifficultySelective MutismStroke – AdultStroke – ChildStuttering/Fluency of Speech DisorderTraumatic Brain Injury (TBI)Voice DisordersWritten Language Disorders (Reading, Writing)
Taking New Clients
Age Groups Treated
19+ years6 to 19 yearsLess than 6 years
On RASP list
Languages Spoken
english, aslbasic, preschoolasl, punjabi
Will Travel / Distance
Yes - up to If mobility challenges
Specialties / Services Provided
Provides Teletherapy?