Matthew Bonshor
Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Matthew is a skilled speech-language pathologist with diverse experience working with adults. He currently practices in acute care & neurological rehabilitation with Providence Healthcare, diagnosing and treating dysphagia, aphasia and other acquired communication disorders. Additionally, he works with adults on their professional communication skills including public speaking, accent expansion and body language. He holds an MScA in Speech-Language Pathology from McGill University and a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Economics from Queen’s University.
Field of Practice
Speech-language Pathologist
Disorders Treated
AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) – AdultAccent Modification/Accent ReductionAlzheimer’s DiseaseAphasiaCognitive Skills/Executive FunctioningDementiaDysarthriaDysphagia/Swallowing Disorder or DifficultyLaryngectomy (Head and Neck Cancer)Motor Speech DisorderParkinson’sStroke – AdultTraumatic Brain Injury (TBI)Voice DisordersWritten Language Disorders (Reading, Writing)
Taking New Clients
Age Groups Treated
19+ years6 to 19 years
On RASP list
Languages Spoken
Will Travel / Distance
Yes - up to 20
Specialties / Services Provided
Aphasia Alexia Dysarthria Dysphagia Voice therapy Accent expansion Public speaking
Provides Teletherapy?