Elene Dolan
Ladysmith, BC, CanadaFort Nelson, BC, Canada100 Mile House, BC, CanadaBowen Island, BC, CanadaAgassiz, BC, CanadaCampbell River, BC, CanadaChetwynd, BC, CanadaComox, BC, CanadaCoquitlam, BC, CanadaCourtenay, BC, CanadaCranbrook, BC, CanadaDawson Creek, BC, CanadaDuncan, BC, CanadaEnderby, BC, CanadaFort St. John, BC, CanadaGold River, BC, CanadaPort Renfrew, BC, CanadaInvermere, BC, CanadaKamloops, BC, CanadaKaslo, BC, CanadaKelowna, BC, CanadaKimberley, BC, CanadaKitimat, BC, CanadaLake Cowichan, BC, CanadaLangley, BC, CanadaMaple Ridge, BC, CanadaMill Bay, BC, CanadaNakusp, BC, CanadaNanaimo, BC, CanadaNelson, BC, CanadaNew Denver, BC, CanadaOliver, BC, CanadaParksville, BC, CanadaPort Alberni, BC, CanadaPort Coquitlam, BC, CanadaPort Hardy, BC, CanadaPort McNeill, BC, CanadaPowell River, BC, CanadaPrince George, BC, CanadaPrince Rupert, BC, CanadaQuesnel, BC, CanadaRevelstoke, BC, CanadaSaanich, BC, CanadaSaanichton, BC, CanadaSalmon Arm, BC, CanadaSalt Spring Island, British Columbia, CanadaSechelt, BC, CanadaSicamous, BC, CanadaSmithers, BC, CanadaSooke, BC, CanadaSummerland, BC, CanadaTerrace, BC, CanadaTofino, BC, CanadaTrail, BC, CanadaTumbler Ridge, BC, CanadaVictoria, BC, CanadaWilliams Lake, BC, CanadaVernon, BC, CanadaWhistler, BC, CanadaMerritt, BC, CanadaMission, BC, CanadaAbbotsford, BC, CanadaGolden, BC, CanadaChilliwack, BC, CanadaCreston, BC, CanadaCastlegar, BC, CanadaFernie, BC, CanadaSparwood, BC, CanadaPenticton, BC, CanadaValemount, BC, CanadaClearwater, BC, CanadaBlue River, BC, CanadaGibsons, BC, CanadaRoberts Creek, BC, CanadaGrand Forks, BC, CanadaShawnigan Lake, BC, CanadaPrinceton, BC, CanadaArmstrong, BC, CanadaPeachland, BC, CanadaKent, BC, CanadaCache Creek, BC, CanadaCumberland, BC, CanadaCobble Hill, BC, CanadaLillooet, BC, CanadaSparwood, BC, CanadaSkookumchuck, BC, CanadaChemainus, BC, CanadaChase, BC, CanadaVanderhoof, BC, CanadaInvermere, BC, CanadaBlind Bay, BC, CanadaRadium Hot Springs, BC, CanadaPemberton, BC, CanadaBurns Lake, BC, CanadaChristina Lake, BC, CanadaNorth Vancouver, BC, CanadaKeremeos, BC, CanadaUcluelet, BC, CanadaHope, BC, CanadaFort St. James, BC, CanadaCrofton, BC, CanadaGabriola Island, Gabriola, BC, CanadaLumby, BC, CanadaSalmo, BC, CanadaMillers Landing, BC, CanadaCanoe, BC, CanadaNaramata, BC, CanadaBarrière, BC, CanadaBella Coola, BC, CanadaMcBride, BC, CanadaHornby Island, BC, CanadaLions Bay, BC, CanadaQualicum Beach, BC, CanadaLantzville, BC, Canada
Phone Number
Email Address
Since earning my Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Alberta in 2012, I have worked in private practice and a wide variety of school settings in British Columbia and Alberta. I am passionate about supporting communication and best practices for healthy orofacial and airway development.
Field of Practice
Speech-language Pathologist
Disorders Treated
Articulation of Speech/Speech Sound DisorderChildhood ApraxiaMotor Speech DisorderTongue Thrust/Oral Myofunctional Disorder
Taking New Clients
Age Groups Treated
19+ years6 to 19 yearsLess than 6 years
On RASP list
Languages Spoken
Will Travel / Distance
Specialties / Services Provided
As a speech-language pathologist with advanced training in orofacial myofunctional disorders, I provide evaluative and therapeutic services for clients (ages 3+) with speech sound disorders and orofacial myofunctional disorders. I provide children with fun and interactive therapy activities to help them achieve their goals and work closely with parents and caregivers, so they feel best equipped to support their child’s practice at home. Given the many possible reasons for an individual’s health concerns and/or communication delays, I collaborate with other health professionals as needed to deliver the most effective and integrated care. To increase awareness and understanding of orofacial myofunctional disorders, I offer professional development opportunities for other speech-language pathologists and health professionals through presentations, clinical coaching, resources, and collaborations.
Provides Teletherapy?
Other Professional Practice / Service Information
All services are provided virtually.