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Speech and Hearing BC

Presentations from FNHA Wellness Summit

The presentation notes are available from the First Nations Primary Care and Mental Health and Wellness Summit that took place from May 22-24, 2019. You can access the information here:

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Professional Regulation in BC

On March 8, 2018 the Minister of Health (the Minister), the Honourable Adrian Dix, exercised his authority under the Health Professions Act (HPA) to initiate an inquiry into the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia (CDSBC). This resulted in a report, An Inquiry into the Performance of the College of Dental Surgeons of British…

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Select Standing Committee Presentations

Sherri K Zelazny, President, Speech and Hearing BC will be representing members at the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Budget 2020 consultation on Friday June 21, 2019 in Surrey BC. Her 10 minute allocation will be directed towards the key advocacy strategies of Speech and Hearing BC under the umbrella of access…

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BC Government Budget Consultations 2018

Want to share your ideas and priorities for the province’s next budget for 2019? The all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services is inviting people to participate by completing an online survey, making a written submission or by attending one of the committee’s public consultations. Submissions must be received by Oct. 15, 2018 for…

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