Working in BC
In order to work as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist in BC, professionals must be licensed by the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of British Columbia (CSHBC). The College protects the public by ensuring regulated professionals meet minimum requirements in academics, clinical practicum, competencies, and continuing education. Registration with the College also validates that a professional is qualified to practice and entitled to work in Canada, has adequate professional liability insurance, and has a clear criminal record.
Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) Members
If you are moving to BC and you are already a member of SAC, forward your new address to SAC. Refer to the membership categories on the “Become a Member” page on the SAC website for more details on application criteria.
Foreign Applicants All foreign applicants to Speech and Hearing BC are required to apply through our national association, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Canada (SAC). Once your membership has been approved by SAC, a letter of good standing is forwarded from SAC to Speech and Hearing BC and your membership to Speech and Hearing BC will be processed. SAC provides further information on Mutual Recognition Agreements between them and international associations.
The College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC (CSHBC) also has information for international applicants on their website.