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Speech & Language

One in 10 people in British Columbia have a speech or language disorder.
One in approximately 68 children in Canada has autism and all of these children experience a speech-language difficulty.

About Speech & Language Problems

Speech and language problems occur in people of all ages, causing feelings of isolation and frustration. They can include difficulties with:

  • Understanding spoken or written language
  • Using language so that one is understood by others
  • Speaking clearly and fluently
  • Social skills and interaction
  • Swallowing and eating

About Speech-Language Pathologists

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are highly trained, registered professionals who typically hold a Masters degree in the specialty. They can help with:

  • Identifying and assessing communications disorders in people of all ages
  • Planning and implementing treatment for speech, language, voice, stuttering and swallowing disorders
  • Consulting with health care professionals and support workers, school personnel, families and caregivers, and autism intervention teams

Referrals to SLPs are made by doctors and other health care workers, infant development specialists and teachers. You can also refer yourself or a family member to an SLP directly.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a speech or language difficulty, we recommend contacting a speech-language pathologist for a consultation.